Thursday, February 23, 2012

Kitchen Reno Update

I have finally set aside the time to post an update. Things have been steadily progressing and I have now become a 'regular' at my local tile shop, as they said today. We have the bones of the kitchen space in place with the construction of a wall that is around 65cm (or 650mm in tradie talk) wide. 

This then brought us to the issue of the floor. This has been one of the biggest concerns for me since we took out the old kitchen and removed a wall. Doing this left us with a floor that looked like this.

What to do, What to do, What to do I thought!!!! I played around with all sorts of ideas. The problem was that the tiles that we have now are discontinued and despite all my searching, do not exist on this planet anywhere!! In keeping to our budget we didn't want to completely re-do the entire floor as it extends into our living room as well. We worked out that it would take around 51 tiles to patch the floor in the kitchen and then tile a border in the entry and fill it in with something else. So off to the shed we went and counted our left over tiles that we had stored for years.........................we had 52! I then contemplated filling in the centre of the entry with a natural sisal carpet. When someone mentioned to me that it may look like the foyer of an RSL I quickly abandoned that idea. I then went to every local tile shop to pick their brains. I finally decided to go for a smaller tile and lay it on a diagonal and try to match the colour as close as possible. I was so 'over the moon' the day I found a tile that was sooooo close to my original tiles. That excitement lasted about 2 days... until I found out that it was discontinued. So off I went searching again and found not quite as close a match but I am still happy with the result. 

 The kids enjoyed getting involved with nailing and gluing down the fibro in preparation for the tiling.

Then we had to work out a way to have access to all the bedrooms while the tiles were drying. The kids actually enjoyed this part!!


 And here is the finished product

The colour difference is quite noticeable but I am actually really pleased with the result. Once I have the entry bench seat and shelf in I think the focus 
won't be on the floor anyway.

The kitchen is now only 11 days away and here is my poor husband painting at 10pm at night to try and have all the painting done in time. 

Until next time...Goodnight!!!

1 comment:

  1. It looks great! Well done on getting a decent result with none identical tiles.
