Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Project On The Side!!

As if I need another thing to think about at the moment!!! But I can't help myself. I found this pic somewhere on the Internet (I can't remember where!). I was drawn to it immediately and I have decided to try to recreate my version of it in my entry. Check it out below.

I love so many things about it. Especially the numbered frames. On closer inspection you might notice that there is a shelf, then six frames, and then a strip of hooks, but it all looks like one piece at first glance.

What is a coincidence is that recently I purchased a throw from Ikea that I thought I could use as inspiration for my lounge room, and it is so much like the one on top of the baskets. My one is pictured below. It was only around $30 which I thought was a bargain.

I also did a dash to Spotlight today and purchased my version of the baskets for the top of the shelf and also some black frames from Big W which were only $5 for two!!! (You will gather as we go along that I love finding bargains!)

The space I'm working with currently looks like this.

And I think the bench I already have will be just right!!
The floors will be tackled in the entry after the kitchen is installed. I can't wait for the ball to get rolling. The kitchen is due to get installed on the 5th of March so be sure to check back then. The wall at the end of the entry will be coming down within two weeks which will then open up the kitchen space. Until next time!!


  1. Hey loving your newly decorated blog. Your entry way is going to be just beautiful, like the rest of your home.
